Конечно, многие культуристы стремятся нарастить мышечную массу. Но если условием успеха является то, что вы вписываетесь в ограничение веса, установленное категорией, то слишком много мышц может быть проблемой. В этой ситуации находится в настоящее время дважды вице-чемпион шоу Мистер Олимпия 212 Дерек Лансфорд (Derek Lunsford). Сейчас дисплей на весах атлета ростом около 168 см показывает более 113 кг, что примерно на 17 кг больше, чем предел веса для его категории до 212 фунтов. И поэтому, несмотря на то, что осталось еще целых двадцать три недели до ожидаемого выхода на сцену в Лас Вегасе, Дерек пытается снизить вес, а не наоборот, как видно на ролике его тренинга ниже. В какой форме находится Лансфорд в своем нынешнем весе можно увидеть на следующих фото.
Посмотреть эту публикацию в InstagramMay not always look pretty, but believe me.. it’s working 👊💪 When I first started training all I would use was free weights. Very rarely did I ever use machines. Then I discovered gyms that had machines only and I thought to myself “perfect” now I can focus and isolate the muscles I’m training better. 👌 So I got away from a lot of basic exercises like this one in the video that I knew had helped lay the groundwork for my body. Why did I do that? I wanted something new. A better way to train. And was I wrong? No. Not completely. There’s a lot that I have learned each and every year about myself, training, food, etc. And I also believe without question there’s a place for machines, free weights, etc. in training and not one method is superior than another (ALL THE TIME). I’m a firm believer that you have to change your strategy of training and lift some serious weight even if it may not look the prettiest every single time. I’m not saying be crazy. I’m saying do the things that are harder. We cannot keep looking for an easier way out (sometimes hidden in the word “smarter” or “more methodical” approach). Yes. I’m at fault. I put myself on blast for searching for that “smarter” approach. Instead of searching for easier, how about embrace the hard stuff. I believe in being smart, I believe in working hard and I believe you can accomplish what you want if you put your mind and body to work. So I’m not bashing training that is thought out and what looks good on paper. Writing down and thinking through your training ahead of time is great and I do believe that’s necessary to become better. But sometimes/some days you have to just lift weights. Go off the playbook and get lost in your training. Just move some weight! After all, that’s why we fell in love with training right? The one with the passion to work harder, to be more disciplined and to strengthen the mind will overcome all challenges. The one who searches for something easy will always be a let down. Enough listening to others. Enough worrying about what others think. Set the standard. Be the standard. #newera #bodybuilding #dereklunsford #animalpak #legday
Соревновательная карьера Дерека Лансфорда (Derek Lunsford).
Mr. Olympia
Bodybuilding : IFBB 212 (2nd)
Mr. Olympia
Bodybuilding : IFBB 212 (2nd)
Mr. Olympia
Bodybuilding : IFBB 212 (5th)
IFBB Tampa Pro
Bodybuilding : IFBB 212 Men (1st)
NPC USA Championships
Bodybuilding : Middleweight (2nd)
NPC Jr. Nationals
Bodybuilding : Overall
NPC Jr. Nationals
Bodybuilding : Middleweight (1st)
NPC Jr. Nationals
Bodybuilding : Welterweight (1st)

Опубликовано: OlegRO